Delicious Orange Cake Recipes for a Touch of Nostalgia

Growing up, my mom’s famous orange cake was a staple in our household, a treat that always brought a smile to my face. The soft and tender texture, paired with the burst of fresh orange flavor, made it a favorite of mine. Recently, a wave of nostalgia led me to finally ask for her cherished recipe. Alongside classics like orange cranberry muffins and chocolate orange marble cake, this orange cake holds a special place in my heart.

This everyday orange cake recipe is a simple yet delightful creation that only improves with time. Its ease of preparation and incredible results make it a must-try for any citrus lover. Whether for a special occasion or a simple indulgence, this orange cake is sure to bring joy and a touch of sunshine to your day.

Orange Cake Recipes

Essential Ingredients

In creating a delicious orange cake, you’ll need to gather the essential ingredients for both the Orange Cake and the Orange Frosting. Let’s dive into the key components that will make your orange cake a flavorful success!

For the Orange Cake

To make the delectable orange cake, ensure you have the following ingredients ready:

  • 230 grams (1 cup or 2 sticks) unsalted butter, softened
  • 200 grams (1 cup) caster sugar
  • 3 large eggs, at room temperature
  • Zest of 3 large oranges
  • 280 grams (2 cups) plain flour or all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 120 ml (1/2 cup) full-fat or whole milk, at room temperature

For the Orange Frosting

For the luscious orange frosting, prepare the ingredients below:

  • 70 grams (1/3 cup) caster sugar
  • 45 ml (3 tablespoons) freshly squeezed orange juice

Equipment and Tools Needed

When preparing your orange cake, it’s essential to have the right equipment and tools at hand to make the process smooth and efficient. Here is a list of items you will need:


  • Mixing Bowls: Have various sizes of mixing bowls available for combining ingredients.
  • Electric Mixer: A hand or stand mixer will help cream the butter and sugar effectively.
  • Zester or Grater: To zest the oranges for that citrusy flavor in your cake.
  • Cake Pans: You’ll need cake pans to bake the batter. Make sure they are appropriately sized for your recipe.
  • Cooling Rack: A cooling rack will allow your cake to cool evenly after baking.
  • Fork: Use a fork to prick the cake’s surface before drizzling the syrup.
  • Serving Plate: Have a beautiful serving plate ready for your finished cake.
  • Measuring Cups and Spoons: Accurate measurement is crucial in baking, so have your measuring cups and spoons handy.
  • Spatula: A spatula will help you scrape down the sides of the mixing bowl and fold in ingredients gently.
  • Citrus Juicer: If not using store-bought orange juice, a citrus juicer will come in handy for extracting fresh juice.
  • Orange Food Coloring (optional): To give your cake a vibrant orange hue, consider using orange food coloring.
  • Knife: You may need a knife for tasks like slicing oranges for garnish.
  • Storage Container: Ensure you have an airtight container for storing any leftover cake.

Having these equipment and tools ready before you start baking will ensure a seamless and enjoyable baking experience, resulting in a delicious orange cake that will delight your taste buds.

Delicious Orange Cake

Step-by-Step Instructions

Preparing the Ingredients

To begin making this delightful orange cake, ensure you have all the ingredients ready and prepped. Make sure the oranges are boiled as per the instructions provided. Remember to chop the cooled oranges into small pieces, removing any seeds, and sift the icing sugar for the orange drizzle.

Making the Orange Cake Batter

Start by preheating your oven and greasing your baking pan. In a mixing bowl, cream together the softened butter and granulated sugar until light and fluffy. Gradually add the eggs, one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Then, incorporate the fresh orange juice, zest, and sifted flour with baking powder to the batter. Mix until all ingredients are well combined.

Orange Frosting Preparation

To complement the deliciousness of the orange cake, the orange frosting adds a burst of citrusy sweetness. Making the Orange Butter Frosting is a delightful part of the baking process that adds the perfect finishing touch to the cake.

Orange Cake

Steps to Prepare Orange Butter Frosting:

  1. Creaming the Butter: Start by creaming the butter until it is smooth. This step is crucial as it helps create a light and fluffy texture for the frosting. Use an electric mixer and beat the butter until it turns pale, light, and fluffy. If the butter is soft, this process won’t take long, usually just a few minutes on medium speed.
  2. Gradually Beat in Confectioners Sugar: Once the butter is creamy, gradually beat in the confectioners sugar. This step helps to achieve the desired sweetness and consistency for the frosting. Beat the mixture until it becomes light and fluffy.
  3. Adding Orange Juice: To infuse the frosting with a refreshing citrus flavor, beat in 2 tablespoons of orange juice gradually. This adds a zesty kick to the frosting and brings the flavors together beautifully.
  4. Stir in Vanilla and Orange Zest: To enhance the aroma and overall taste of the frosting, stir in vanilla extract and a teaspoon of orange zest. The combination of vanilla and orange zest creates a well-balanced and fragrant frosting.
  5. Achieving Spreading Consistency: If needed, adjust the frosting consistency by adding more orange juice until you reach the desired spreading consistency. This ensures that the frosting can be easily spread over the cake in a smooth and even layer.
  6. Finishing Touch: Once the frosting is ready, generously spread it over the cooled orange cake using a spatula or a frosting knife. Ensure that the frosting covers the cake evenly, creating a visually appealing finish to your delightful orange cake.

Additional Option: Orange Drizzle (Optional)

For those looking to elevate the orange cake further, consider adding an optional orange drizzle. This simple yet impactful addition brings an extra layer of citrus flavor and a touch of sweetness to the cake.

  1. Creating the Orange Drizzle: In a small bowl, sift 3 tablespoons of icing sugar or powdered sugar. Gradually add 2-3 teaspoons of fresh orange juice to the sugar while stirring continuously. Adjust the amount of orange juice based on your desired consistency.

Cake Assembly and Decoration

Once the cake layers are cool, it’s time to assemble the cake to bring everything together for a delightful presentation. Placing the first cake layer onto the base or pedestal sets the foundation for a beautiful creation.

Assembly Steps:

  1. First Layer Placement:
  • Start by carefully placing the first cake layer on the base or pedestal. Ensure it is centered for symmetrical assembly.
  1. Frosting Between Layers:
  • Add a generous amount of the tangy Orange Cream Cheese Glaze between the cake layers. The creamy and flavorful frosting will enhance the overall taste of the cake.
  1. Stacking Layers:
  • Gently stack the remaining cake layers on top of each other, taking care to align them neatly for a well-structured cake.
  1. Crumb Coating:
  • Apply a thin layer of frosting around the assembled cake to create a crumb coat, sealing in any loose crumbs and providing a smooth base for the final frosting layer.
  1. Chilling the Cake:
  • After crumb coating, chill the cake in the freezer for about 10 minutes to firm up the frosting and ensure a smooth finish.
Baking Orange Cake

Decoration Tips:

Topping Choices:

  • Explore creative topping options like fresh orange slices, zest, or edible flowers to decorate the cake and add visual appeal.

Piping Designs:

  • Utilize piping bags to create intricate designs or patterns on the cake’s surface, showcasing your decorating skills and adding a personalized touch.
  • Once the cake is frosted and decorated to your liking, step back and admire your masterpiece before serving this delightful Orange Cake to your guests.

By following these assembly and decoration steps, you can elevate your Orange Cake into a visually stunning and delectable dessert that will surely impress your family and friends.

Additional Tips for Perfect Orange Cake

As we strive for the perfect orange cake, a few additional tips can elevate your baking game to the next level. Follow these pointers for a flawless and delicious orange cake every time!

1. Properly Cream Butter and Sugar

Achieving the perfect texture in your orange cake starts with correctly creaming the butter and sugar. Use an electric mixer to blend them until the mixture becomes pale, light, and fluffy. This step is crucial for a soft and buttery cake.

2. Consider Adding Orange Syrup

While optional, adding an orange syrup can enhance the flavor profile of your cake significantly. The syrup adds moisture and a burst of citrusy goodness to every bite. It’s a simple yet effective way to take your orange cake to the next level.

3. Don’t Stress Over Cake Cracks

It’s completely normal for pound cakes, like orange cake, to develop cracks while baking. The dense batter takes time to cook through, leading the top to set before the center rises, causing cracks. Embrace the imperfections — they add character to your homemade creation.

4. Allow the Cake to Rest

After baking, let your orange cake rest for 5 to 10 minutes before adding the syrup. This allows the cake to settle and absorb the flavors fully. Patience is key to achieving a moist and flavorful cake.

5. Perfect the Orange Glaze

The orange glaze not only adds a finishing touch but also contributes to the overall taste. Adjust the consistency by adding more powdered sugar for thickness or more orange juice for a thinner glaze. Pour it over the cooled cake for a professional-looking finish.

6. Store and Serve with Care

To preserve the freshness of your orange cake, store any leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge. Before serving, allow the cake to come to room temperature for the best taste and texture. Enjoy every slice of your delicious masterpiece!

Implementing these additional tips will not only enhance the quality of your orange cake but also elevate your baking skills. Experiment with these suggestions to create the perfect orange cake that will impress your family and friends.

Additional Tips for Perfect Orange Cake

Storing and Serving Instructions

After baking your delicious Orange Pound Cake, it’s important to store it properly to maintain its freshness and serve it in the best possible way for a delightful experience.

Storing Tips:

  1. Allow the cake to cool completely before storing to prevent condensation.
  2. Wrap the cooled cake in plastic wrap or store it in an airtight container to retain its moisture.
  3. Store the Orange Pound Cake at room temperature for up to 2-3 days for optimal taste and texture.
  4. For longer storage, refrigerate the cake for up to a week, ensuring it is well-covered to avoid absorbing other odors.
  5. When ready to serve, cut the Orange Pound Cake into slices using a sharp knife for clean edges.
  6. For an extra touch of freshness, serve each slice with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream.
  7. Garnish the plate with a sprig of fresh mint or a twist of orange zest for a pop of color and flavor.
  8. Pair your Orange Pound Cake with a cup of hot tea, coffee, or a refreshing glass of orange juice for a delightful treat.

By following these storing and serving instructions, you can ensure that your Orange Pound Cake remains scrumptious and is presented beautifully for your guests to enjoy.

Storing Orange Cake


Creating an irresistible Orange Cake is a delightful journey that combines nostalgia and culinary art. By following the simple yet detailed recipe provided, you can master the art of baking this citrusy delight. Remember to pay attention to key steps like creaming butter and sugar, adding orange syrup for that extra zing, and perfecting the orange glaze. Storing and serving the Orange Pound Cake with care will ensure its freshness and presentation. Whether enjoyed with a dollop of whipped cream, a scoop of ice cream, or garnished with fresh mint or orange zest, this cake is sure to be a crowd-pleaser. So, roll up your sleeves, preheat the oven, and get ready to savor the sweet success of baking your very own Orange Cake masterpiece.

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