Decadent Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake Recipe for Sweet Indulgence

If you’re a fan of Turtle Candy, get ready to fall in love with this Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake recipe. This delightful dessert captures all the delicious flavors of the beloved candy in a moist and decadent chocolate cake. Poke cakes, like this one, are not only easy to make but also incredibly fun. Starting with a simple cake mix, the magic happens when a luscious caramel sauce is added, creating a rich and moist texture that’s simply irresistible.

I was thrilled to whip up this Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake and indulge in its caramel goodness. This recipe features a moist chocolate cake base that’s soaked in a homemade caramel sauce and generously topped with a caramel chocolate frosting and chopped pecans. It’s a truly indulgent treat that’s sure to satisfy any sweet tooth. If you’re a fan of the classic Turtle Candy, this cake is a must-try for your next baking adventure.

Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake Recipe


In order to create this delectable Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake, you will need the following ingredients:

Cake Ingredients

  • 1 box of chocolate cake mix (1525 ounces) plus the ingredients listed on the package (eggs, oil, water)
  • 1 12-ounce jar of caramel topping (divided)
  • 1 14-ounce can of condensed milk
  • 1 16-ounce tub of chocolate frosting
  • 3/4 cup pecans, roughly chopped
  • 1/4 cup mini chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup caramel topping (reserved from the jar)
  • Additional caramel sauce for filling the cake
  • Whipped cream for frosting
  • Extra chopped pecans and mini chocolate chips for garnish

Prepare to embark on a delightful baking journey with these exquisite ingredients that will make your Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake an irresistible and memorable treat.

Equipment Needed

For this delicious Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake recipe, you will need a few essential pieces of equipment to make the baking process smooth and enjoyable. Here’s what you’ll need:


  • 9×13 inch baking dish
  • Wooden spoon for poking holes in the cake
  • Mixing bowls for preparing the cake mix and caramel sauce
  • Measuring cups and spoons for accurate ingredient measurements
  • Electric mixer for blending the cake mix and frosting
  • Cooling rack for allowing the cake to cool properly
  • Refrigerator for chilling the cake after adding the caramel sauce
  • Serving platter for a beautiful presentation

Having these equipment items on hand will help you create a delightful Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake with ease.

Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake

Preparation Steps

Preparing the Cake Batter

In a large bowl, whisk together all the ingredients except for the cake mix until combined. Sift in the chocolate cake mix and gently stir to combine. The batter will be thick. Spread the batter into the prepared pan and bake for 25-27 minutes.

Baking the Cake

Preheat the oven to 325 degrees convection bake. Prepare a 9×13 sheet pan or dish with shortening cake goop or non-stick spray. Once the cake batter is mixed, spread it into the prepared pan and bake for 25-27 minutes. After baking, let the cake cool and then use a straw to poke holes all over the top, about 1 inch apart. Spread or drizzle the sweetened condensed milk, caramel, and chocolate over the cake. Cover and place it into the freezer while preparing the chocolate whipped cream.

Assembling the Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake

Adding the Toppings

After the chocolate turtle poke cake has been cooled and the caramel sauce has set, it’s time to enhance it with delicious toppings. Using a tub of chocolate frosting, generously spread it over the cake, covering the entire surface. This indulgent layer will complement the caramel flavors and add a rich chocolatey touch to the dessert.

Filling the Poke Holes

With the cake now frosted, it’s time to fill the poke holes created earlier. Retrieve the reserved caramel sauce and carefully pour it into the holes. Ensure that each hole is adequately filled, allowing the sweet caramel to seep into the moist cake. For an extra touch of sweetness and crunch, sprinkle chopped pecans and mini chocolate chips over the top, adding both flavor and texture to the chocolate turtle poke cake.

Assembling the Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake

Customization Options

Alternate Topping Ideas

While the classic combination of caramel, pecans, and chocolate chips is a delightful topping for the Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake, there are endless possibilities for customizing this dessert to suit your preferences. Here are some alternative topping ideas to elevate your cake:

  1. Toasted Coconut: Sprinkle toasted coconut flakes over the chocolate frosting for a tropical twist that adds a crunchy texture.
  2. Salted Caramel Drizzle: Enhance the caramel flavor by drizzling a salted caramel sauce over the top of the cake, creating a perfect balance of sweet and salty.
  3. Crushed Oreos: For a cookies and cream twist, crush Oreo cookies and sprinkle them on top of the cake along with the pecans and chocolate chips.
  4. Fresh Berries: Add a pop of freshness by topping the cake with fresh berries such as raspberries, strawberries, or blueberries for a fruity contrast.

Feel free to mix and match these topping ideas or get creative with your own combinations to personalize your Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake and make it truly unique.

Chocolate Turtle Poke Cakes

Serving and Presentation

For serving the decadent Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake, I recommend cutting generous squares to showcase the layers and textures of this delightful dessert. The richness of the chocolate cake, the gooey caramel sauce, and the crunchy pecans come together beautifully in each bite, so it’s essential to present it in a way that highlights these elements.

To plate the Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake, use a wide and flat dessert plate or a cake stand for an elegant presentation. The contrast of the dark chocolate cake and the golden caramel sauce makes for a visually stunning dessert that is sure to impress your guests or family members.

Consider garnishing each slice of the cake with a drizzle of extra caramel sauce and a sprinkling of chopped pecans and mini chocolate chips. These extra toppings not only add to the visual appeal but also enhance the flavors and textures of the cake, making each bite a delicious experience.

When serving the Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake, pairing it with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream can further elevate the dessert and provide a nice balance to the richness of the cake. The cold and creamy texture of the ice cream or whipped cream complements the warm and gooey elements of the cake, creating a perfect harmony of flavors and temperatures.

For a finishing touch, consider adding a light dusting of cocoa powder or powdered sugar over the top of the cake just before serving. This simple addition can add a touch of elegance to the presentation and give the dessert a professional and polished look that is sure to delight anyone who takes a bite.

Serving Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake

Make-Ahead Tips

When preparing a decadent Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake, it’s beneficial to plan ahead for a stress-free and enjoyable baking experience. Here are some make-ahead tips to simplify the process and ensure a delicious outcome:

  1. Prepare Ingredients in Advance: Before starting the baking process, ensure all ingredients are measured and prepared according to the recipe instructions. This includes chopping pecans, measuring chocolate chips, and having the caramel syrup and frosting ready to go.
  2. Bake the Cake Ahead of Time: If you’re short on time on the day you plan to serve the cake, consider baking the chocolate cake layer in advance. Once cooled, cover and store the cake at room temperature until you’re ready to assemble the Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake.
  3. Poke Holes and Add Caramel: To save time on the day of serving, you can poke the holes in the cake and add the caramel sauce beforehand. This allows the flavors to meld together and intensify, resulting in a more flavorful dessert.
  4. Chill the Cake: After adding the caramel sauce, consider chilling the cake in the refrigerator for a few hours or overnight. This will allow the caramel to fully absorb into the cake, resulting in a moist and indulgent treat.

By following these make-ahead tips, you can streamline the preparation process for the Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake and ensure a luscious and flavorful dessert that will impress your guests.

Storing the Cake

Once your delicious Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake is ready and you find yourself with some leftovers, it’s essential to store it correctly to maintain its freshness and taste. Here’s how you can ensure your cake stays perfect for future indulgence:

  1. Room Temperature vs. Refrigeration: While this cake is best served at room temperature to allow the flavors to meld perfectly, it’s crucial to store any remaining portions properly. When not enjoying your cake, keep it in the refrigerator, as the caramel topping requires refrigeration once opened.
  2. Storage Duration: Your Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake can be stored in a covered pan in the refrigerator for up to five days. Be sure to keep it well-covered to prevent the cake from drying out or absorbing any other flavors from the fridge.
  3. Freezing Instructions: If you have more cake than you can devour in a few days, freezing it is a great option to prolong its shelf life. To freeze the cake, place it in a freezer-safe airtight container to maintain its freshness. Properly stored, your cake can last in the freezer for up to three months.
  4. Thawing: When you’re ready to enjoy the frozen cake, transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator one day before serving to allow it to thaw slowly. For a quicker option, you can also thaw individual slices in the microwave for a few seconds until warmed through.
Storing Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake


Creating a Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake is a delightful way to enjoy the rich flavors of Turtle Candy in a moist and indulgent dessert. With simple steps and customizable toppings, this cake offers a decadent treat for any occasion. By following the make-ahead tips and storage recommendations provided, you can easily prepare and enjoy this delicious cake at your convenience. Whether you opt for the classic toppings or get creative with your own variations, the Chocolate Turtle Poke Cake recipe is sure to impress your taste buds and satisfy your sweet cravings. Try making this cake for your next gathering or as a special treat for yourself – it’s a guaranteed crowd-pleaser that will leave everyone wanting more.

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