Delicious Simnel Cake Recipes: Perfect for Easter and More

Baking a simnel cake is a delightful Easter tradition that never fails to bring warmth to the table. This rich fruitcake, layered with marzipan and topped with toasted almonds, has a history as rich as its flavor. Originating in medieval times, the simnel cake was traditionally made by young girls to present to their mothers on Mothering Sunday, a precursor to our modern Mother’s Day.

I’ve perfected a simnel cake recipe that balances the sweetness of dried fruits with the subtle bitterness of the marzipan, creating a harmonious blend of flavors. Whether you’re continuing a long-standing tradition or starting a new one, this recipe is sure to become a favorite in your family. Join me in the kitchen as we bake up a slice of history with this timeless and delicious simnel cake recipe.

Simnel Cake Recipes


For the Fruit Mixture

  • 1 cup of mixed dried fruits (such as raisins, currants, and candied peel)
  • 1/2 cup of light brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup of unsalted butter
  • 1 large lemon (zested)
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 1/2 cups of all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon of ground nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 1/2 cups of almond flour
  • 1 1/2 cups of powdered sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/2 teaspoon of almond extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract

Required Tools and Equipment

When preparing a delightful simnel cake for Easter, having the right tools and equipment is essential to ensure a successful baking experience. Here are the key items you will need:

Baking Tin

For baking the simnel cake, you will require a round cake tin with a diameter of about 8-9 inches. Ensure the tin is greased and lined with parchment paper to prevent the cake from sticking.

Mixing Bowls

Prepare at least two mixing bowls of different sizes to combine the ingredients for the fruit mixture and marzipan layers separately. Having multiple bowls will allow for efficient preparation and mixing without cross-contamination of flavors.

Delicious Simnel Cake


Preparing a delicious simnel cake for Easter requires attention to detail. Let’s dive into the essential steps of creating this classic treat.

Preparing the Fruit Mixture

To begin, soak the mixed dried fruits in a bowl with brown sugar and lemon zest to enhance their flavors. This process helps the fruits absorb the sweetness and citrusy notes, adding depth to your simnel cake.

Making the Marzipan

Crafting the perfect marzipan is key to a successful simnel cake. Combine almond flour, powdered sugar, eggs, almond extract, and vanilla extract in a bowl. Knead the mixture to form a smooth, pliable dough that will encase the cake, creating a layer of sweetness and texture.


Baking a simnel cake involves assembling the layers carefully to ensure a delicious and visually appealing result. Once the layers are prepared, baking the cake to perfection is the final step in creating a traditional Easter treat.

Baking Simnel Cake

Assembling the Layers

  1. Place half of the cake mixture into the prepared round cake tin, ensuring it covers the base evenly.
  2. Roll out the marzipan into a circle slightly smaller than the tin and place it on top of the cake mixture.
  3. Add the remaining cake mixture on top of the marzipan, spreading it out to cover the marzipan layer.
  4. Smooth the top of the cake mixture with a spatula for an even finish before baking.
  5. Preheat the oven to the specified temperature as per the simnel cake recipe.
  6. Place the assembled cake into the oven and bake for the recommended time until a skewer inserted comes out clean.
  7. Once baked, let the cake cool in the tin for a few minutes before transferring it to a wire rack to cool completely.
  8. Your beautifully baked simnel cake is ready to be enjoyed for Easter celebrations.


Decorating a simnel cake adds the final touches that truly make it a showstopper for your Easter table.

Adding Marzipan Layer

To start the decoration process, carefully roll out a portion of marzipan into a circle that matches the size of your cake. Gently lift and place it on top of the cooled fruit cake, ensuring a smooth finish without any air bubbles trapped beneath the marzipan.

Rolling and Shaping Marzipan Balls

For a traditional touch, shape some marzipan into eleven equal-sized balls. Place these balls evenly around the edge of the marzipan layer on the cake, then use a kitchen torch to lightly toast the marzipan for added flavor and a beautiful finish.

Serving Suggestions

After creating the perfect simnel cake, it’s time to present it in a way that will impress your guests. Here are some serving suggestions that will elevate your Easter dessert table:

Serving Simnel Cake

1. Pairing with Tea or Coffee

Serve slices of your freshly baked simnel cake with a steaming cup of tea or coffee to complement the rich flavors of the fruitcake and marzipan. The warm beverage will enhance the overall taste experience and make for a delightful treat.

2. Adding a Dollop of Whipped Cream

For an extra indulgent touch, consider serving each slice with a dollop of freshly whipped cream. The light and airy texture of the cream will balance the denser texture of the cake, creating a harmonious blend of flavors and textures.

3. Drizzle of Honey or Caramel Sauce

To sweeten the deal, drizzle a bit of honey or warm caramel sauce over each slice before serving. The added sweetness will enhance the intricate flavors of the simnel cake and elevate its presentation, making it even more irresistible to your guests.

4. Garnishing with Toasted Almonds

Give your simnel cake a final flourish by garnishing each slice with a sprinkle of toasted almonds. The nutty flavor and crunch of the almonds will provide a delightful contrast to the soft cake and add a visually appealing touch to your dessert spread.

5. Serving with Fresh Berries

For a burst of freshness, serve the simnel cake slices with a side of fresh berries, such as strawberries or raspberries. The fruity accompaniment will cut through the richness of the cake, providing a refreshing and colorful addition to your Easter dessert selection.

6. Dusting with Powdered Sugar

Just before serving, dust a light layer of powdered sugar over the top of the cake slices for a simple yet elegant presentation. The snowy-white sugar will add a touch of sophistication to your dessert table and entice your guests with its delicate sweetness.

Enhance your Easter celebrations with these serving suggestions, taking your homemade simnel cake to the next level and delighting your friends and family with a beautifully presented and delicious traditional treat.

Storage and Make-Ahead Tips

When it comes to storing simnel cake, I recommend using these simple tips to keep it fresh and delicious. Here are some suggestions for refrigeration and freezing options:

Storage Simnel Cake


After baking your scrumptious simnel cake, allow it to cool completely. Once cooled, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or place it in an airtight container. Refrigerate the cake to maintain its moisture and flavor. It can stay fresh in the refrigerator for up to one week.

Freezing Options

For longer storage, freezing your simnel cake is a great option. Again, make sure the cake cools completely before freezing. Wrap the cake securely in plastic wrap and aluminum foil to prevent freezer burn. Alternatively, you can freeze individual slices for quick indulgence. The frozen cake can last for up to 3 months. Remember to thaw the cake in the refrigerator before enjoying it.


In wrapping up, mastering the art of baking a delicious simnel cake can truly elevate your Easter celebrations. From understanding the key ingredients to exploring various serving suggestions, this traditional fruitcake offers a delightful treat for family and friends. Remember to store your simnel cake properly to preserve its freshness and savor it for days to come. Whether enjoyed with a cup of tea, adorned with whipped cream and berries, or simply dusted with powdered sugar, the simnel cake is a versatile dessert that can cater to different preferences. With these tips and techniques at your disposal, you’re well-equipped to embark on your simnel cake baking journey and create memorable moments during the Easter festivities.

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