Delicious Vegan Yogurt Cake Recipes to Try at Home

Craving a delicious and dairy-free dessert? Dive into the world of vegan yogurt cake recipes with me. This versatile treat combines the tangy goodness of plant-based yogurt with the sweetness of a classic cake. Whether you’re a seasoned vegan baker or just looking to try something new, this recipe is a must-try.

Vegan Yogurt Cake Recipes


In creating a delightful vegan yogurt cake, it’s essential to gather the right blend of dry and wet ingredients to achieve the perfect texture and flavor.

Dry Ingredients

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/2 cups vegan plant-based yogurt
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil
  • 1/4 cup non-dairy milk
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Required Tools and Equipment

To create a delicious vegan yogurt cake, you will need some essential tools and equipment to ensure a smooth baking process. Here are the tools you should have on hand before you start mixing your ingredients:

Measuring Cups and Spoons: These are crucial for accurately measuring out your dry and wet ingredients. Having a set of measuring cups and spoons will help you achieve the perfect balance in your cake batter.

Mixing Bowls: You will need mixing bowls of various sizes to combine your dry and wet ingredients separately before mixing them together. Make sure to have enough bowls to avoid cross-contamination of flavors.

Whisk or Electric Mixer: A whisk or electric mixer will help you combine your ingredients thoroughly and achieve a smooth cake batter. While a whisk works well, an electric mixer can save you time and effort.

Spatula: A spatula will come in handy for scraping down the sides of your mixing bowl and ensuring all ingredients are well incorporated.

Cake Pans: You’ll need cake pans to bake your vegan yogurt cake. Ensure you have the right size and shape of cake pans as specified in the recipe to achieve the desired thickness and texture.

Parchment Paper: Line your cake pans with parchment paper to prevent sticking and ensure easy removal of the cake after baking.

Oven: Of course, you’ll need an oven to bake your vegan yogurt cake to perfection. Make sure your oven is preheated to the correct temperature as directed in the recipe.

Cooling Rack: After baking, you’ll need a cooling rack to allow your cake to cool properly before frosting or serving. This helps prevent the cake from becoming soggy.

Delicious Vegan Yogurt Cake


Preparing the Batter

To begin, preheat the oven to the specified temperature as per the recipe instructions. Next, gather all the dry ingredients like flour, baking powder, and any additional spices required for the cake batter. Combine these dry ingredients in a mixing bowl and whisk them together to ensure even distribution.

In a separate bowl, assemble the wet ingredients such as vegan yogurt, plant-based milk, oil, and vanilla extract. Mix these liquids until well combined. Slowly incorporate the wet mixture into the dry ingredients, stirring gently until a smooth batter forms. Avoid overmixing to maintain a light and fluffy texture in the cake.

Baking the Cake

Prepare the cake pans by greasing them with oil and lining them with parchment paper for easy removal. Carefully pour the batter into the pans, ensuring an even distribution to promote uniform baking. Place the pans in the preheated oven and bake according to the recommended time in the recipe.

Once the baking time is complete, use a toothpick or cake tester to ensure the cake is fully cooked. Insert the tester into the center of the cake; if it comes out clean, the cake is ready. Remove the pans from the oven and allow the cakes to cool in the pans for a few minutes before transferring them to a wire rack to cool completely.

Assembling the Cake

Now that we have our beautifully baked vegan yogurt cakes ready, it’s time to put them all together. Follow these simple steps to assemble your delicious dairy-free creation.

Assembling the Vegan Yogurt Cake

Step 1: Cooling the Cakes

Place the baked cakes on a wire rack and let them cool completely. This step is crucial as it ensures that the cakes set properly for assembling without the risk of them falling apart.

Step 2: Leveling the Cakes

Using a serrated knife, carefully level the tops of the cakes if needed. This will create a flat surface for stacking the layers evenly.

Step 3: Choosing a Filling

Decide on a delicious filling for your vegan yogurt cake. Popular choices include dairy-free frosting, fruit preserves, vegan whipped cream, or a delectable fruit compote. Get creative with the flavors to suit your taste preferences.

Step 4: Layering the Cake

Place one cake layer on a serving plate or cake stand. Spread a generous amount of your chosen filling evenly over the cake layer. Carefully place the second cake layer on top, aligning it with the bottom layer.

Step 5: Frosting the Cake

If using frosting, cover the entire cake with a smooth layer of frosting using a spatula. Ensure the frosting is evenly distributed on the top and sides of the cake for a polished finish.

Step 6: Decorating (Optional)

Add a personal touch to your vegan yogurt cake by decorating it with fresh fruit, edible flowers, chopped nuts, or a sprinkle of cocoa powder. Let your creativity shine in this final step.

Step 7: Chilling the Cake

Once assembled and decorated, chill the cake in the refrigerator for at least an hour before serving. This helps set the layers and enhances the flavors of the cake.

Your vegan yogurt cake is now assembled and ready to be enjoyed. Whether for a special occasion or a regular sweet treat, this dairy-free delight is sure to impress with its unique combination of tangy yogurt and sweet cake goodness.

Serving Suggestions

After creating a delightful vegan yogurt cake, it’s time to think about how to serve it to impress your guests. Here are some serving suggestions to elevate your dairy-free creation:

1. Garnishes:

Spruce up your vegan yogurt cake with fresh fruits like berries, kiwi slices, or edible flowers for a pop of color and added freshness. These garnishes not only enhance the visual appeal of the cake but also complement the tangy flavor of the yogurt.

2. Sauce Drizzles:

Add a touch of indulgence by drizzling a vegan-friendly sauce over the cake slices. Consider options like dairy-free chocolate ganache, raspberry coulis, or lemon syrup to introduce new flavors and textures to each bite.

3. Nutty Crunch:

For a satisfying crunch, sprinkle toasted nuts or seeds like almonds, pistachios, or sunflower seeds on top of the cake. The nuttiness pairs well with the creamy texture of the yogurt frosting, creating a delightful contrast.

4. Sweet Swirls:

Enhance the visual appeal of your cake by piping vegan whipped cream swirls on the edges or creating elegant designs using fruit purees or fruit compote. These sweet accents not only elevate the cake’s presentation but also add layers of flavor complexity.

5. Tea or Coffee Pairing:

Pair slices of your vegan yogurt cake with a steaming cup of herbal tea or freshly brewed coffee to balance out the sweetness of the cake. The aromatic notes of tea or coffee can enhance the overall dessert experience for your guests.

6. Customization:

Encourage your guests to customize their cake slices with additional toppings like shredded coconut, cocoa nibs, or a sprinkle of cinnamon for a personalized touch. Providing a variety of toppings allows everyone to tailor their dessert to their liking.

With these serving suggestions, you can transform your vegan yogurt cake into a gourmet dessert experience that will leave your guests impressed and satisfied. Enjoy the process of creating and serving this delectable dairy-free treat for any occasion.

Serving the Vegan Yogurt Cake

Storage Tips

After enjoying your delectable vegan yogurt cake, you’ll want to ensure it stays fresh for as long as possible. Here are some handy storage tips to help you preserve its flavor and texture:

Step 1: Cool Completely

Once the cake has cooled post-baking, allow it to reach room temperature before storing. Placing a warm cake in the refrigerator can create condensation, resulting in a soggy exterior.

Step 2: Wrap Well

To prevent the cake from drying out, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Make sure the covering is secure, especially around any exposed cut sides.

Step 3: Refrigerate Correctly

Place the wrapped cake in the refrigerator to maintain its freshness. Ensure it is stored away from strong-smelling foods to prevent absorption of odors.

Step 4: Freezing Option

If you wish to extend the cake’s shelf life, consider freezing it. Wrap the cake securely in a double layer of plastic wrap followed by a layer of aluminum foil before storing it in the freezer. Thaw in the refrigerator before serving.

By following these storage tips, you can enjoy your vegan yogurt cake over several days without compromising its taste and quality.

Storage Tips Vegan Yogurt Cake

Flavor Variations

One of the exciting aspects of vegan yogurt cakes is the flexibility they offer for various flavor combinations. By experimenting with different ingredients, you can create unique and delicious versions of this dairy-free treat. Here are some flavorful variations to inspire your culinary creativity:

1. Citrus Burst:

For a refreshing twist, add grated lemon or orange zest to the cake batter. The citrus flavors will brighten up the cake and provide a zesty contrast to the creamy yogurt base. You can also drizzle a simple glaze made with citrus juice and powdered sugar over the cooled cake for an extra burst of flavor.

2. Berry Bliss:

Incorporate fresh or frozen berries like raspberries, blueberries, or strawberries into the batter for a burst of fruity sweetness. The berries will add a pop of color and a juicy texture to every bite. Top the cake with a handful of fresh berries or a berry compote for an added indulgence.

3. Nutty Delight:

Enhance the nuttiness of the vegan yogurt cake by mixing chopped nuts like almonds, walnuts, or pecans into the batter. The crunchy texture of the nuts will complement the soft crumb of the cake, adding a delightful contrast. Consider toasting the nuts before adding them for a more intense flavor profile.

4. Spiced Infusion:

Transform the cake into a cozy dessert by incorporating warm spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, or cardamom into the batter. These spices will infuse the cake with aromatic flavors, perfect for enjoying with a cup of tea or coffee on a chilly day. You can also dust the cake with cinnamon sugar for an extra touch of warmth.

5. Tropical Escape:

Create a taste of the tropics by adding shredded coconut and diced pineapple to the cake batter. The tropical flavors will evoke visions of sandy beaches and clear blue waters with every bite. Serve the cake with a dollop of coconut whipped cream and a sprinkle of toasted coconut for a complete island experience.

Experimenting with these flavor variations will allow you to tailor the vegan yogurt cake to your personal preferences or the occasion. Whether you prefer a tangy citrus kick, a fruity explosion, a nutty crunch, a spiced warmth, or a tropical getaway, there are endless possibilities to explore in the world of vegan baking.

Flavor Variations Vegan Yogurt Cake


Exploring the world of vegan yogurt cake recipes has been a delightful journey. From the tangy twist of plant-based yogurt to the sweet symphony of traditional cake flavors, the possibilities are truly endless. Whether you’re a seasoned vegan baker or just starting out, these recipes offer a perfect blend of simplicity and creativity. With flavor variations like Citrus Burst, Berry Bliss, Nutty Delight, Spiced Infusion, and Tropical Escape, there’s a vegan yogurt cake for every palate and occasion. So, next time you’re in the mood for a delectable treat that’s both dairy-free and delicious, don’t hesitate to whip up one of these delightful creations. Happy baking!

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