Delicious Spice Cake Recipes: Make Your Autumn-Winter Sweet

Craving a warm and cozy dessert that’s packed with comforting spices? Spice cake recipes are the perfect answer. These cakes are a delightful blend of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, and sometimes even cardamom, creating a symphony of flavors that scream fall and winter.

What sets spice cake apart from its cousin, carrot cake, is the rich combination of spices and a unique boiled raisin mixture that adds a depth of flavor. While carrot cake boasts shredded carrots, spice cake focuses on the aromatic spices that make it a seasonal favorite.

Looking to cater to dietary preferences? Fear not, you can easily make a butter-free or gluten-free version of this classic cake without sacrificing taste or texture. Stay tuned for a recipe that promises a moist, flavorful spice cake that will become a staple in your baking repertoire.

Delicious Spice Cake Recipes

Ingredients for Spice Cake

Spice cake is a delightful treat that captures the essence of cozy fall and winter flavors. The blend of cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, and cardamom creates a symphony of taste that is both comforting and satisfying.

Main Ingredients

  • 2 and ½ cups (315 grams) all-purpose flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger
  • ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg
  • ½ teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1 and ¾ cups (350 grams) light brown sugar, packed
  • ¾ cup (180 ml) canola or vegetable oil
  • ½ cup (125 g) unsweetened applesauce
  • 4 large eggs
  • 1 and ½ teaspoons pure vanilla extract
  • 1 cup (240 ml) buttermilk
  • 1 cup shredded apple or shredded carrot/zucchini
  • 1 tablespoon (15ml) unsulphured or dark molasses (avoid blackstrap, Grandmas brand preferred)
Spice Cake Recipes

Tools and Equipment Needed

To prepare this delightful spice cake recipe, you’ll need some essential tools and equipment to ensure a smooth baking process. Here’s a list of items you’ll require:

Mixing Bowls

Having a few mixing bowls in different sizes is key to efficiently combine your dry and wet ingredients without any spillage.


A reliable whisk will help you blend the ingredients evenly and eliminate any lumps in the batter for a perfect consistency.

Electric Mixer

An electric mixer, whether handheld or stand mixer, will make mixing the batter a breeze and ensure all ingredients are well incorporated.

Measuring Cups and Spoons

Accurate measurements are crucial in baking, so make sure you have measuring cups and spoons to measure your ingredients precisely.

Cake Pans

Two 9-inch round cake pans are needed to bake the spice cake layers to perfection. Make sure to grease them well before pouring in the batter.

Cooling Rack

A wire cooling rack is essential to cool your freshly baked cakes evenly and prevent sogginess.

Oven Thermometer

To ensure your oven is at the right temperature for baking, an oven thermometer will guarantee that your cakes bake evenly.


A silicone spatula will come in handy for scraping down the sides of the mixing bowl and smoothing the batter in the cake pans.

Parchment Paper

Lining your cake pans with parchment paper will make it easier to remove the cakes once baked and prevent sticking.

Having these tools and equipment ready will make your baking experience a smooth and enjoyable process, resulting in a delicious and beautifully baked spice cake.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Preparing the Batter

  1. In a medium mixing bowl, whisk together the dark brown sugar, oil, buttermilk, eggs, and vanilla until well combined.
  2. Add the sugar mixture to the flour mixture and whisk together just until combined.
  3. Divide the batter between two greased and sprayed cake pans. Bake for 30 minutes or until the center springs back when gently pressed. Let cool for 10 minutes in the pans, then invert on a wire cooling rack and cool completely.
  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) and adjust the rack to the middle position. Grease and lightly flour a metal or disposable foil 9×13-inch pan.
  2. Beat the softened butter into the flour mixture until it forms pebble-sized pieces. Add the milk mixture in stages, beating on low speed until smooth. Pour the batter into the prepared pan.
  3. Bake in the preheated oven for about 40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Cool briefly on a wire rack, then invert carefully onto a serving plate or cooling rack. Let the cake cool completely.

Cream Cheese Frosting

Cream cheese frosting is the perfect accompaniment to a delicious spice cake, adding a tangy sweetness that complements the warm spices. Here’s how to prepare the perfect cream cheese frosting to top off your spice cake masterpiece.

Ingredients for Frosting

  • Cream Cheese (full-fat blocks for optimal consistency)
  • Unsalted Butter (for a smooth, rich frosting)
  • Powdered Sugar (to sweeten and create a creamy texture)
  1. Bring cream cheese and unsalted butter to room temperature for smooth mixing.
  2. In a mixing bowl, cream together softened cream cheese and butter until smooth.
  3. Gradually add powdered sugar to the mixture, beating until fluffy and fully combined.
  4. Once the spice cake has cooled, spread the cream cheese frosting over the top, creating a generous layer of frosting.
  5. For added flair, sprinkle chopped pecans or other desired toppings over the frosting.
  6. Slice and enjoy the perfect balance of spice cake and tangy cream cheese frosting.
Spice Cake

Assembling the Cake

After baking the delicious spice cake layers and preparing the delightful cream cheese frosting, it’s time to assemble the cake. Follow these simple steps to put together your masterpiece:

1. Cooling the Cake Layers

Carefully remove the spice cake layers from the oven and allow them to cool in the cake pans for about 10 minutes. Then, gently run a knife around the edges of the pans to loosen the cakes. Carefully invert the pans onto a cooling rack to cool completely. It’s important to let the cakes cool fully before starting the assembly process.

2. Leveling and Stacking

Once the cake layers are completely cooled, it’s time to level them for a professional-looking finish. If the tops of the layers are domed, use a serrated knife to gently trim off the domes, ensuring flat surfaces for stacking. This will help the cake layers fit together perfectly.

3. Frosting the Layers

Place one of the leveled cake layers on a serving plate or cake stand. Spread a generous layer of the prepared cream cheese frosting evenly over the top of the cake layer. Repeat this process with the remaining cake layers, stacking them on top of each other with a layer of frosting in between.

4. Finishing Touches

Once all the cake layers are stacked and frosted, it’s time to add the finishing touches. If desired, you can decorate the cake by pressing finely chopped pecans or walnuts onto the sides of the frosted cake. This will not only add a lovely visual element but also provide a delicious nutty flavor to complement the spice cake.

By following these steps, you’ll make a stunning and delicious spice cake that is sure to impress your friends and family. Enjoy the process of assembling the cake, and savor the final result of your hard work and creativity.

Tips for a Moist and Flavorful Spice Cake

Tips for a Moist and Flavorful Cake

To ensure that your spice cake turns out perfectly moist and bursting with flavor, here are some essential tips to keep in mind:

  1. Use the Right Ingredients: Opt for full-fat cream cheese and unsalted butter at room temperature for a smooth and creamy batter. Dark brown sugar adds a rich molasses flavor, while a blend of spices like cinnamon, ginger, allspice, clove, and nutmeg creates that quintessential spice cake taste.
  2. Balancing Butter and Oil: Incorporating both melted butter and oil in your batter guarantees a moist texture. The melted butter adds richness, while the oil ensures a tender crumb that stays moist for longer.
  3. Harness the Power of Sour Cream: Sour cream is a secret ingredient that adds moisture, tenderness, and a tangy flavor profile to your spice cake. It keeps the cake from drying out, resulting in a delectably moist texture.
  4. Follow Mixing Techniques: Embrace the reverse creaming method by adding melted butter to the dry ingredients. This technique simplifies the mixing process and yields a buttery cake with a tender crumb.
  5. Avoid Overmixing: Be cautious not to overmix the batter, as this can lead to a tough cake. Mix until just combined to maintain the delicate texture of the spice cake.
  6. Proper Baking Time: Ensure you bake the cake for the recommended time to avoid under or overcooking. A perfectly baked spice cake will be moist, aromatic, and full of warm spice flavors.
  7. Cooling and Storing: Once baked, allow the cake to cool completely before frosting to prevent the frosting from melting. Store the cake in an airtight container to maintain its moisture and freshness.

By incorporating these tips into your baking process, you’ll achieve a wonderfully moist and flavorful spice cake that will delight your taste buds with every bite.

Different Variations of Spice Cake

When it comes to spice cake, there are various ways to cater to different dietary needs and preferences. Below are a couple of variations to consider:

Gluten-Free Options

For those with gluten sensitivities or following a gluten-free diet, you can easily adapt a spice cake recipe by using gluten-free flour blends instead of traditional all-purpose flour. Make sure to check that all your other ingredients are also gluten-free to create a delicious gluten-free spice cake without compromising on taste.

Vegan Alternatives

To create a vegan version of spice cake, you can make some simple ingredient substitutions. Replace eggs with flax eggs or commercial egg replacers, use plant-based milk like almond or soy milk instead of dairy milk, and opt for vegan butter or vegetable oil. Additionally, ensure that your sweeteners like sugar and honey are vegan-friendly. With these adjustments, you can enjoy a delightful vegan spice cake that aligns with your dietary choices.

How to Store and Preserve Spice Cake

How to Store and Preserve Spice Cake

After indulging in a delicious spice cake, you may find yourself with leftovers or want to prepare in advance for an upcoming event. Properly storing and preserving your spice cake will help maintain its freshness and flavor. Here are some tips on how to store and preserve your spice cake:

1. Cool Completely

Before storing your spice cake, ensure that it has completely cooled down. Placing a warm cake in storage can create condensation, leading to sogginess and compromising the texture.

2. Wrap and Seal

Once cooled, tightly wrap the spice cake in plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Make sure to seal it well to prevent air exposure and preserve moisture.

3. Store at Room Temperature

If you plan to consume the spice cake within a few days, storing it at room temperature is ideal. Keep it in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat sources.

4. Refrigeration

For longer storage or in warmer climates, refrigeration can help extend the shelf life of your spice cake. Place the wrapped cake in an airtight container before refrigerating.

5. Freezing

To preserve your spice cake for an extended period, consider freezing it. Wrap the cake tightly in several layers of plastic wrap followed by aluminum foil or a freezer-safe container. Thaw the cake in the refrigerator when ready to enjoy.

6. Properly Thawing

When ready to serve a frozen or refrigerated spice cake, ensure to thaw it properly. Allow the cake to thaw in the refrigerator to maintain its texture and prevent sogginess.

By following these steps for storing and preserving your spice cake, you can enjoy its delicious flavors and moistness for an extended period, ensuring that every slice is as delightful as the first.


As we wrap up our journey through the world of spice cake recipes, it’s clear that these delectable treats offer a perfect blend of warm spices that evoke the cozy feelings of autumn and winter. By exploring variations and essential tips for successful baking, you can create a moist and flavorful spice cake that will delight your taste buds. Remember to follow the steps diligently, from batter preparation to frosting, to ensure a perfect outcome. With proper storage techniques, you can enjoy the deliciousness of spice cake for days to come. Embrace the rich flavors and aromas of cinnamon, nutmeg, and more in every bite, and let your baking skills shine through with each slice of this irresistible dessert. Happy baking!

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