Lemon Angel Food Cake Recipes: Zesty Citrus Delight for Every Occasion

When it comes to a delightful treat that’s both light and refreshing, Lemon Angel Food Cake takes the cake. This heavenly dessert combines the airy texture of angel food cake with a zesty burst of lemon flavor, making it a perfect companion for afternoon tea or any sweet occasion. As we celebrate Angel Food Cake month, this Lemon Angel Food Cake recipe stands out for its simplicity and deliciousness.

The beauty of this Lemon Angel Food Cake lies in its simplicity – just a few basic ingredients come together to create a mouthwatering delight. The addition of lemon juice and creamer elevates the flavor profile, adding a citrusy tang and a touch of sweetness. Whether you top it with whipped cream and sliced lemons or enjoy it as is, this easy-to-make cake is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.

Lemon Angel Food Cake Recipes


Creating a delightful Lemon Angel Food Cake requires just a few simple ingredients to capture that perfect citrusy essence.

For the Cake

  • 1 1/4 cups cake flour
  • 3/4 cup confectioners sugar
  • 12 large room temperature egg whites (about 1 1/2 cups)
  • 2 teaspoons cream of tartar
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon lemon zest
  • 1 teaspoon lemon extract
  • Fresh berries for garnish
  • 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and cooled
  • 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1 1/2 cups confectioners sugar, sifted
  • 1 tablespoon heavy cream (more as needed)

Equipment Needed

When preparing a delicious Lemon Angel Food Cake, it’s essential to have the right tools on hand to ensure a successful baking experience. Here are the key equipment you’ll need:

1. Mixing Bowls:

I recommend using large mixing bowls to comfortably combine the cake ingredients. Ensure they are clean and dry before proceeding with the recipe.

2. Whisk or Electric Mixer:

A sturdy whisk or an electric mixer is crucial for whipping the egg whites to achieve the desired fluffy texture. If using an electric mixer, set it to medium-high speed for best results.

3. Tube Pan or Baking Pan:

For baking the cake, you will need either a tube pan or a 9 x 13-inch baking pan. The tube pan helps the cake rise evenly, while the baking pan is suitable for a rectangular cake.

4. Cooling Rack:

Having a cooling rack on hand is essential for properly cooling the cake after baking. This helps prevent the cake from becoming too dense and allows for even cooling.

5. Non-Stick Baking Spray (if using a stone baking pan):

If you opt for a stone baking pan, lightly grease it with a non-stick baking spray to prevent sticking. However, if using a glass baking pan, avoid greasing it to ensure the cake rises properly.

6. Oven Thermometer:

To ensure your oven is at the correct temperature for baking, consider using an oven thermometer. This tool helps guarantee that the cake bakes evenly and thoroughly.

Having these essential equipment items prepared will streamline the baking process and ensure that your Lemon Angel Food Cake turns out light, fluffy, and bursting with delightful lemon flavor.

Lemon Angel Food Cake


Prep the Ingredients

To begin making the lemon angel food cake, gather all the necessary ingredients: cake flour, confectioners sugar, egg whites, cream of tartar, salt, granulated sugar, lemon zest, lemon extract, fresh berries, unsalted butter, lemon juice, heavy cream, and granulated white sugar.

Make the Cake Batter

  1. Preheat the oven to the required temperature based on the recipe.
  2. In a mixing bowl, sift together the cake flour and confectioners sugar.
  3. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form.
  4. Gradually add cream of tartar, salt, granulated sugar, lemon zest, and lemon extract to the egg whites, folding gently after each addition.
  5. Carefully fold in the sifted dry ingredients until just combined.
  6. Pour the batter into the prepared tube pan or baking pan, gently spreading it evenly.
  7. Bake the cake according to the specified time and temperature until it is golden brown and a tester comes out clean.

Bake the Cake

  1. Once the cake is baked, remove it from the oven and place it on a cooling rack to cool completely.
  2. If using a tube pan, invert it to cool.
  3. Once cooled, release the cake from the pan and place it on a serving plate.
  4. In a bowl, combine the melted unsalted butter, freshly squeezed lemon juice, sifted confectioners sugar, and heavy cream.
  5. Mix well until smooth, adjusting the consistency with more cream if needed.
  6. Drizzle the prepared lemon glaze over the cooled angel food cake.
  7. Garnish with fresh berries before serving for a pop of color and added freshness.
Baking Lemon Angel Food Cake

Assembly and Decoration

After the lemon angel food cake has been baked to perfection, it’s time to assemble and decorate this delightful dessert. Follow these simple steps to add the finishing touches:

1. Cooling and Inverting:

Carefully remove the cake from the oven once it’s baked, and immediately invert the tube pan onto a cooling rack. This step is crucial as it prevents the cake from collapsing and helps in achieving that light, airy texture we all love in angel food cakes.

2. Glazing the Cake:

Prepare the lemon glaze by combining melted butter, freshly squeezed lemon juice, sifted confectioners sugar, and a touch of heavy cream in a bowl. Mix until smooth, adjusting the cream if needed to reach your desired glaze consistency.

3. Decorating with Fresh Berries:

Once the cake has cooled and the glaze has been drizzled over the top, it’s time to take your presentation to the next level. Decorate the cake with a generous amount of fresh berries. Their vibrant colors not only enhance the visual appeal but also add a burst of fruity flavor to each slice.

4. Serving with Style:

To serve the lemon angel food cake, slice it using a serrated knife to maintain its light texture. Plate each slice with a dollop of whipped cream or a side of lemon curd for an extra indulgent touch. Enjoy the refreshing citrus notes and delicate sweetness of this heavenly dessert.

Decoration Lemon Angel Food Cake

Serving Suggestions

I love serving Lemon Angel Food Cake in various creative ways to enhance its delightful flavors and presentation. Here are some serving suggestions to make your cake even more appealing:

1. Fresh Berries and Whipped Cream:

One classic and elegant way to serve Lemon Angel Food Cake is by topping each slice with a generous dollop of freshly whipped cream and a mix of seasonal berries. The lightness of the cake pairs beautifully with the freshness of the berries and the richness of the cream.

2. Lemon Curd Drizzle:

For a tangy and decadent twist, drizzle some homemade or store-bought lemon curd over the top of the cake slices just before serving. The vibrant lemon flavor of the curd complements the airy texture of the cake, creating a perfect balance of sweet and tangy.

3. Toasted Coconut Shavings:

Another fantastic option is to sprinkle some toasted coconut shavings over the glazed cake slices. The nutty crunch of the coconut adds a delightful contrast to the soft cake and the zesty lemon flavor, creating a sensory explosion in every bite.

4. Mint Leaves Garnish:

For a refreshing and visually appealing touch, decorate the serving platter with sprigs of fresh mint leaves. Not only do the mint leaves add a pop of color, but they also provide a subtle hint of minty freshness that complements the citrusy notes of the cake.

5. Lemon Zest Dusting:

To intensify the lemon flavor of the cake, dust the top of each slice with a sprinkle of fresh lemon zest just before serving. The aromatic oils from the zest will elevate the citrusy essence of the cake, adding a burst of brightness to every bite.

These serving suggestions will take your Lemon Angel Food Cake to the next level, impressing your guests with both its delectable taste and its beautiful presentation. Enjoy experimenting with different toppings to create a customized experience that suits your preferences and delights your taste buds.

Serving Lemon Angel Food Cake

Storage Tips

After enjoying the delightful lemon angel food cake, it’s essential to store any leftovers properly to maintain freshness and flavor. Here’s how I recommend storing your delicious cake:

  1. Room Temperature: If you plan to consume the remaining cake within 1-2 days, you can store it at room temperature. Place the cake in an airtight container or cover it tightly with plastic wrap to prevent it from drying out.
  2. Refrigeration: For longer storage, you can opt to refrigerate the cake. Wrap the cake well with plastic wrap or place it in an airtight container before refrigerating. Properly stored, the cake should retain its moisture and taste for up to 5 days.
  3. Freezing: If you have a larger portion of the cake left and want to save it for later, freezing is a great option. Slice the cake into individual portions and wrap each slice tightly in plastic wrap. Then, place the wrapped slices in a freezer-safe container or a zip-top bag. Frozen lemon angel food cake can be stored for up to 3 months.
  4. Thawing: When ready to enjoy the frozen cake, transfer the individual slices to the refrigerator and let them thaw overnight. This gradual thawing process helps retain the cake’s texture and prevents it from becoming soggy.

By following these storage tips, you can ensure that your lemon angel food cake remains fresh, moist, and flavorful for future indulgence.


I hope this guide has inspired you to try out some delightful Lemon Angel Food Cake recipes. The airy texture and zesty lemon flavor make it a perfect treat for any occasion. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can create a delicious dessert that will surely impress your family and friends. Remember to explore different serving suggestions to elevate the flavors and presentation of your cake. With proper storage techniques, you can enjoy the freshness and taste of your Lemon Angel Food Cake for days to come. So, roll up your sleeves, get baking, and indulge in the heavenly goodness of this citrusy delight!

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