Perfect Chocolate Hazelnut Macarons Recipes: Step-by-Step Guide and Storage Tips

If you’ve ever strolled through a French patisserie, you know the allure of macarons—those delicate, colorful confections that practically melt in your mouth. Today, I’m sharing my twist on this classic treat: chocolate hazelnut macarons. Imagine the perfect blend of rich chocolate and nutty hazelnut, all wrapped up in a crisp yet chewy shell. It’s a match made in dessert heaven.

Chocolate Hazelnut Macarons Recipes


Here are the ingredients you’ll need to create those delectable chocolate hazelnut macarons.

For the Macaron Shells

  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 3/4 cup almond flour, finely ground
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 2 large egg whites, room temperature
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/4 cup hazelnut spread (such as Nutella)
  • 1/4 cup heavy cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Each ingredient plays a crucial role in creating the perfect texture and flavor for your chocolate hazelnut macarons.

Equipment Needed

To achieve the perfect chocolate hazelnut macarons, having the right tools is essential. Here’s a list of equipment you’ll need:

  1. Mixing Bowls: I use several mixing bowls of varying sizes to handle different components of the macaron recipe.
  2. Sifter: A sifter is crucial for ensuring the powdered sugar, almond flour, and cocoa powder are lump-free, which contributes to the smooth texture of the macaron shells.
  3. Kitchen Scale: Precision is key in baking macarons. A kitchen scale helps measure the ingredients accurately.
  4. Stand Mixer or Hand Mixer: Whipping egg whites to stiff peaks is easier with a stand mixer, but a hand mixer works well too.
  5. Silicone Spatula: A silicone spatula is great for gently folding ingredients together without deflating the batter.
  6. Piping Bag and Round Tip: To pipe the macaron batter into uniform circles, you’ll need a piping bag fitted with a round tip.
  7. Macaron Template or Parchment Paper: Using a macaron template placed under parchment paper helps keep the macarons evenly sized.
  8. Baking Sheets: I recommend using heavy-duty baking sheets for even heat distribution.
  9. Oven Thermometer: An oven thermometer ensures your macarons bake at the correct temperature, as oven settings can often be inaccurate.
  10. Cooling Rack: A cooling rack allows the macarons to cool evenly after baking, preventing overbaking from residual heat on the baking sheet.
  • Sifting: Always sift your dry ingredients at least twice to remove any coarse particles.
  • Mixing: When using a stand mixer, keep an eye on your egg whites to avoid over-whipping.
  • Piping: Practice piping on parchment paper before starting to get the hang of it. If you don’t have a macaron template, make uniform circles by tracing around a small glass.
  • Baking: Rotate your baking sheet halfway through the baking time to ensure even cooking.

Having these tools at hand will streamline the process and help you craft beautiful chocolate hazelnut macarons with ease.

Chocolate Hazelnut Macarons


Let’s start by prepping all the ingredients and making sure our tools are ready. This will streamline the macaron-making process and help ensure perfect results.

Prep the Ingredients

  1. Almond Flour and Powdered Sugar: Sift 1 ¾ cups almond flour and 2 cups powdered sugar together into a bowl. This removes lumps and combines them evenly.
  2. Cocoa Powder: Sift 3 tablespoons of unsweetened cocoa powder with the almond flour and powdered sugar mixture.
  3. Egg Whites: Separate room temperature egg whites from yolks, measuring out 3 egg whites (about 90 grams). Make sure no yolk mixes in as it can affect the meringue.
  4. Granulated Sugar: Measure ¼ cup granulated sugar and set aside.
  5. Hazelnut Paste: Have 2 tablespoons of hazelnut paste ready. You can find this in specialty stores or make it by blending roasted hazelnuts until smooth.
  6. Cream of Tartar: Keep ¼ teaspoon of cream of tartar within reach.
  7. Vanilla Extract: Measure ½ teaspoon vanilla extract for flavor.
  8. Baking Sheets: Line two baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone mats. Use macaron templates under the parchment paper, if available, to ensure uniform size.
  9. Piping Bag: Fit a piping bag with a round tip (about ½ inch size). If you don’t have a piping bag, a sturdy zip-top bag with a corner snipped off will work.
  10. Stand-by Materials: Have a silicone spatula for transferring the batter and a toothpick for popping air bubbles handy.

By organizing these steps before starting the mixing and baking processes, the flow of making these chocolate hazelnut macarons will be seamless and enjoyable.

Prep the Chocolate Hazelnut Macarons


Here are step-by-step instructions to guide you through making the perfect chocolate hazelnut macarons.

For the Macaron Shells

  1. Sift Dry Ingredients: Sift together 1 cup of almond flour, 1 ¾ cups of powdered sugar, and 2 tablespoons of cocoa powder into a large mixing bowl. Discard any large particles left in the sifter.
  2. Prepare Egg Whites: In a separate bowl, place 3 large egg whites. Ensure they are at room temperature for optimal results.
  3. Make French Meringue: Begin whipping the egg whites using an electric mixer on medium speed. When they begin to foam, gradually add ¼ cup of granulated sugar. Increase the speed to medium-high and continue whipping until stiff, glossy peaks form.
  4. Fold Dry Ingredients into Meringue: Gently fold the sifted dry ingredients into the meringue using a silicone spatula. Fold until the mixture flows smoothly like lava. Be careful not to overmix.
  5. Pipe the Batter: Transfer the batter to a piping bag fitted with a round tip. Pipe small circles (about 1.5 inches in diameter) onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Tap the baking sheet on the counter a few times to release any air bubbles.
  6. Rest the Macarons: Let the piped macarons sit at room temperature for 30-45 minutes, or until they form a skin and are no longer sticky when touched.
  7. Preheat Oven: Preheat your oven to 300°F (150°C).
  8. Bake the Macarons: Bake the macarons in the preheated oven for 15-18 minutes, rotating the baking sheet halfway through to ensure even cooking. The macarons are done when they have risen and formed “feet” and do not stick to the parchment paper.
  9. Cool the Shells: Remove the macarons from the oven and allow them to cool completely on the baking sheet before attempting to remove them.
  10. Prepare Hazelnut Paste: In a food processor, blend 1 cup of toasted hazelnuts until they form a smooth paste. Add 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar and 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract and blend until fully combined.
  11. Make Chocolate Ganache: Heat ½ cup of heavy cream in a small saucepan over medium heat until it just begins to simmer. Pour the hot cream over 4 ounces of chopped dark chocolate in a heatproof bowl. Let sit for 1 minute, then stir until smooth. Allow the ganache to cool and thicken.
  12. Combine Paste and Ganache: Once the chocolate ganache has cooled, mix in the hazelnut paste until fully incorporated and smooth.
  13. Pipe the Filling: Transfer the filling to a piping bag fitted with a round tip. Pipe a small amount of filling onto the flat side of one macaron shell. Top with another shell to create a sandwich. Repeat with remaining shells.
  14. Mature the Macarons: Place the filled macarons in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 24 hours to allow flavors to develop and shells to soften slightly.
  15. Serve: Bring macarons to room temperature before serving for the best texture and flavor. Enjoy your delightful chocolate hazelnut macarons!
Baking the Chocolate Hazelnut Macarons


Follow these steps to create delicious chocolate hazelnut macarons that are sure to impress. From making the macaron shells to filling and assembling, every step is crucial for achieving perfection.

Making the Macaron Shells

  1. Sift Dry Ingredients: Combine 1 cup almond flour, 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar, and 2 tablespoons cocoa powder. Sift together three times to ensure a fine, smooth mixture.
  2. Prepare French Meringue:
  • In a clean, grease-free bowl, beat 4 large egg whites on medium speed until foamy.
  • Gradually add 1/4 cup granulated sugar while beating. Increase speed to high and beat until stiff peaks form.
  1. Combine Mixtures:
  • Gently fold the dry ingredients into the meringue using a spatula. Be careful not to deflate the meringue.
  • Continue folding until the batter flows like lava, forming a figure-eight without breaking.
  1. Pipe Batter:
  • Transfer the macaron batter to a piping bag fitted with a round tip.
  • Pipe 1-inch circles onto a parchment-lined baking sheet, spacing them 1 inch apart.
  1. Rest and Bake:
  • Tap the baking sheet firmly on the counter to release any air bubbles. Let the shells rest at room temperature for 30-60 minutes until a skin forms.
  • Preheat the oven to 300°F (150°C). Bake for 15-18 minutes until the macarons form feet and do not stick to the parchment paper.
  1. Cool Shells: Remove the baking sheet from the oven. Let the shells cool completely on the baking sheet before removing.

Making the Filling

  1. Prepare Hazelnut Paste:
  • Roast 1 cup hazelnuts in a 350°F (175°C) oven for 10 minutes, until golden and fragrant.
  • Remove skins by rubbing hazelnuts in a towel. Blend hazelnuts in a food processor until a smooth paste forms.
  1. Make Chocolate Ganache:
  • Chop 6 ounces dark chocolate and place in a heatproof bowl.
  • Heat 1/2 cup heavy cream in a saucepan until it simmers. Pour over the chocolate, let sit for 2 minutes, then whisk until smooth.
  • Add 2 tablespoons hazelnut paste and mix well. Allow ganache to cool to a piping consistency.
  1. Pair Shells: Match macaron shells of similar size and shape, pairing them up.
  2. Fill Macarons:
  • Transfer chocolate hazelnut ganache to a piping bag fitted with a round tip.
  • Pipe a small dollop of ganache onto the flat side of one shell from each pair.
  • Gently press the second shell on top, creating a sandwich.
  1. Mature Macarons:
  • Place filled macarons in an airtight container.
  • Refrigerate for 24-48 hours to mature, allowing flavors to meld and achieve the perfect texture.
  1. Serve: Bring macarons to room temperature before serving to enjoy their delicate texture and rich flavor.

By following these directions, you’ll create beautiful and delectable chocolate hazelnut macarons that are sure to delight.

Making the Chocolate Hazelnut Macarons

Tips for Success

Use Aged Egg Whites

Aging egg whites for 24 to 48 hours is essential for proper meringue formation. Place egg whites in a clean bowl, cover with plastic wrap, and let them sit in the refrigerator. This technique helps reduce moisture content and stabilizes the meringue.

Sift Dry Ingredients Thoroughly

For smooth and glossy macaron shells, sift almond flour, powdered sugar, and cocoa powder at least twice. This ensures a lump-free mixture and an even texture. Fine mesh sieves work best for this task.

Perfect Your Macaronage

Macaronage, the method of folding dry ingredients into the meringue, is crucial. Fold gently but consistently until the batter flows like lava. Over-mixed batter will spread too much, while under-mixed batter will hold peaks, affecting the final texture.

Resting Is Key

Resting piped macarons for at least 30 to 60 minutes is non-negotiable. This step allows the surface to form a thin skin, preventing cracking and promoting the rise of the characteristic “feet.” Touch lightly to check if they’re ready; they should not stick to your finger.

Monitor Oven Temperature

An oven thermometer ensures accurate baking as most oven dials are imprecise. Preheat your oven to 300°F (150°C) and adjust as necessary. Macarons can be sensitive to heat, so maintain a consistent temperature to avoid browning or underbaking.

Use Quality Chocolate and Hazelnuts

For the filling, use high-quality dark chocolate and fresh hazelnuts. This guarantees a rich flavor and smooth texture. Toast hazelnuts to enhance their natural oils and flavors before making the paste.

Cool Completely Before Filling

Ensure macaron shells cool completely on the baking sheet before filling them. This prevents the filling from melting and keeps the shells intact. Cooling takes about 20 to 30 minutes.

Mature For Best Flavor

Store filled macarons in an airtight container in the refrigerator for 24 to 48 hours before serving. This maturation process allows flavors to meld, resulting in a more cohesive and delicious bite. Let macarons sit at room temperature for 15 minutes before enjoying.

Practice Patience

Mastering chocolate hazelnut macarons requires practice and patience. Don’t get discouraged if your first few batches aren’t perfect. Learn from each attempt, and you’ll see improvement with time.

Tips for Chocolate Hazelnut Macarons

How to Store

Store at Room Temperature

To store chocolate hazelnut macarons at room temperature, make sure to use an airtight container. Place the macarons in a single layer, though you can layer them with a piece of parchment paper between each layer to prevent sticking. Keep the container in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Stored this way, they can last for up to 3 days, maintaining their texture and flavor.

Refrigerate for Extended Freshness

For longer storage, refrigerate the macarons. Arrange them in an airtight container, similar to the room temperature method, with parchment paper between layers. When stored in the refrigerator, macarons can last up to a week. Before serving, bring them to room temperature for about 30 minutes to let the flavors and textures return to their ideal state.

Freeze for Long-Term Storage

If you need to store the macarons for an extended period, freezing them is the best option. Place macarons in a single layer on a baking sheet and freeze until solid. Once frozen, transfer them to an airtight container or a heavy-duty freezer bag, with parchment paper between layers. Frozen macarons can last up to 3 months. When ready to consume, thaw them in the refrigerator overnight and then let them come to room temperature before enjoying.

Storing Unfilled Macaron Shells

If you prefer to store macaron shells separately before filling them, you can use any of the above methods. Unfilled shells stored in an airtight container at room temperature can last about a week. In the refrigerator, they will keep for up to two weeks, and in the freezer, they can last for up to 3 months. Always allow shells to come to room temperature before filling and serving.

  • Always use an airtight container to prevent exposure to humidity.
  • Stack macarons with parchment paper between layers to avoid sticking.
  • Label your container with the storage date for better tracking.
  • Avoid storing macarons near strong-smelling foods to prevent flavor absorption.
How to Store Chocolate Hazelnut Macarons


Creating chocolate hazelnut macarons may seem daunting at first but with the right ingredients and preparation steps it’s entirely achievable. From making the delicate macaron shells to crafting the rich hazelnut paste and chocolate ganache every step is crucial for that perfect bite. Proper storage ensures your macarons stay fresh and delicious whether you’re enjoying them immediately or saving them for later. By following the tips and methods shared in this guide you can confidently master the art of chocolate hazelnut macarons and impress your friends and family with these delightful treats. Happy baking!

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