Delicious Breton Butter Cake Recipes for Every Occasion

Indulge in the delightful flavors of a traditional Breton Butter Cake recipe that has been cherished by generations. This classic French cake, known for its rich and buttery taste, is a true culinary gem. With just six simple ingredients, including salted butter, egg yolks, granulated sugar, flour, baking powder, and a touch of vanilla extract, this cake is a breeze to make at home.

The Breton cake offers a unique texture, dense yet crumbly, reminiscent of Breton palets, with a soft interior depending on the baking time. The secret lies in the generous use of egg yolks, giving the cake a delightful biscuit-like quality. Whether you’re a baking enthusiast or a novice in the kitchen, this recipe promises a delicious treat that captures the essence of French culinary tradition.

Breton Butter Cake Recipes


The Breton butter cake recipe requires a simple yet essential list of ingredients. Let’s gather the dry and wet ingredients to create this delightful French treat.

Dry Ingredients

  1. 2 cups of all-purpose flour
  2. 1 cup of sugar
  3. 1 teaspoon of baking powder
  4. Pinch of salt
  5. 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  6. 8 ounces of salted or unsalted butter (2 sticks)
  7. 6 large egg yolks

This traditional recipe balances the dry and wet ingredients perfectly to achieve the classic Breton butter cake’s rich and buttery flavor.

Equipment Needed

When preparing the traditional Breton Butter Cake, having the right equipment is essential to ensure a successful outcome. Here’s what you’ll need to bake this delectable French dessert:

  1. 25cm (9-10 inch) Cake Tin: Ideally a springform pan for easy release.
  2. Mixer: If available, for effortless mixing of the ingredients.
  3. Sieve: For sifting the flour to ensure a smooth texture.
  4. Measuring Cups: Essential for accurately measuring the flour, sugar, and butter.
  5. Mixing Bowl and Whisk: For hand mixing if a mixer is not available.
  6. Oven: Preheat to 190°C (375°F) to bake the cake to perfection.
  7. Worktop: A clean surface for kneading the dough if mixing by hand.
  8. Pastry Brush: For applying the glaze before baking.
  9. Cooling Rack: To cool the cake once it’s out of the oven.
  10. Plastic Wrap or Cake Dome: To store the cake for up to 24 hours.

Having these tools at your disposal will ensure a smooth baking experience and a delicious Breton Butter Cake that will impress your guests.

Delicious Breton Butter Cake


Preparation of Dough

  1. Sift both flours, baking powder, and salt into a large bowl.
  2. In a mixing bowl, beat the egg yolks and sugar until doubled in volume.
  3. Add vanilla and mix well before gradually stirring in the flour to create a stiff dough.
  4. Spread the dough evenly in a greased 9-inch round baking pan.
  5. Brush the surface of the dough with the last egg yolk and sprinkle with sugar.
  6. Bake in a preheated oven at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes until golden brown.
  7. Allow the butter cake to cool in the pan for 10 minutes.
  8. Run a thin spatula around the edges of the cake to loosen it.
  9. Gently remove the cake from the baking pan.
  10. Serve warm with berries or cream for a delightful treat.

Enjoy this traditional Breton Butter Cake with its rich flavor and crumbly texture that will surely impress your guests.

Tips for Perfect Breton Butter Cake

To ensure your Breton Butter Cake turns out perfectly every time, I have compiled some key tips to help you master this delightful dessert:

1. Quality Ingredients:

Using high-quality ingredients is crucial for the success of your Breton Butter Cake. Opt for the best butter, fresh eggs, and top-notch vanilla extract for maximum flavor.

2. Room Temperature Ingredients:

Make sure your butter and eggs are at room temperature before beginning the recipe. Room temperature ingredients combine more smoothly, resulting in a better texture for your cake.

3. Sifting Flour:

Sifting the flour helps aerate it, leading to a lighter and fluffier cake. Be sure to sift your flour before incorporating it into the batter for a more consistent and delicate crumb.

4. Lightly Toasted Almonds:

To enhance the nutty flavor of the cake, lightly toast the almonds before adding them to the batter. The toasting process brings out the almonds’ natural oils, adding depth to the overall taste.

5. Proper Mixing Technique:

When blending the ingredients, avoid overmixing the batter. Mix until just combined to prevent developing the gluten in the flour, which can result in a dense or tough cake.

6. Pan Preparation:

Ensure your tart pan is well-prepared by greasing it thoroughly to prevent the cake from sticking. A well-prepared pan ensures easy removal and a beautifully shaped cake.

7. Baking Time:

Keep a close eye on the baking time to prevent overcooking the cake. The Breton Butter Cake should be golden brown on top and cooked through but still moist in the center for the perfect texture.

Tips for Perfect Breton Butter Cake

Variations of Breton Butter Cake

When it comes to Breton Butter Cake, there are various ways to customize this delightful dessert while still keeping the essence of its rich and buttery flavor intact. Here are some popular variations to consider:

1. Fruit or Jam Filling

Enhance the traditional Breton Butter Cake by adding a layer of your favorite fruit jam or fresh fruits in the middle. This variation not only adds a burst of fruity sweetness but also provides a lovely contrast to the buttery richness of the cake.

2. Nutty Twist

For a delightful nutty flavor and crunchy texture, consider incorporating toasted almonds, walnuts, or pecans into the cake batter. Simply chop the nuts finely and fold them into the batter before baking to add a delicious nuttiness to every bite.

3. Citrus Infusion

Add a touch of brightness to your Breton Butter Cake by incorporating citrus zest such as lemon or orange into the batter. The citrusy notes will complement the buttery richness of the cake, creating a refreshing and tangy variation.

4. Chocolate Indulgence

For chocolate lovers, a decadent variation of Breton Butter Cake involves swirling in chocolate chips or chunks into the batter. The melty chocolate paired with the buttery cake base creates a luxurious treat that is sure to satisfy any chocolate craving.

5. Almond Flour Variation

For a gluten-free option, consider substituting a portion of the all-purpose flour with almond flour. This variation not only adds a delightful nuttiness to the cake but also results in a slightly denser and moister texture, perfect for those with gluten sensitivities.

Explore these delightful variations of Breton Butter Cake to add your own unique twist to this classic French dessert. Whether you opt for a fruity filling, nutty crunch, citrusy zing, chocolatey goodness, or a gluten-free option, each variation promises a decadent and indulgent treat that will surely impress your guests. Enjoy experimenting with different flavors and ingredients to create your perfect version of this beloved cake.

Variations of Breton Butter Cake

Serving and Storage

When it comes to serving this delightful Breton Butter Cake, I recommend slicing it into generous wedges to showcase its lovely buttery crumb texture. This cake pairs beautifully with a dollop of freshly whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream for a luscious dessert experience.

To elevate the serving presentation, consider dusting the cake with a light sprinkling of powdered sugar or a drizzle of warm caramel sauce. The sweet simplicity of the cake allows for versatile pairing options, so feel free to get creative with your serving choices to suit your taste preferences.

As for storage, to maintain the freshness and flavor of the Breton Butter Cake, I suggest storing it in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days. If you anticipate keeping it longer, you can refrigerate the cake for up to a week, ensuring it is tightly wrapped to prevent any drying out.

Serving Breton Butter Cake


Breton Butter Cake recipes offer a delightful journey through the flavors of this traditional treat. From the classic recipe to the creative variations, there’s a buttery delight for every palate. Experimenting with fruits, nuts, and chocolate opens up endless possibilities to customize this indulgent dessert. When it comes to serving, a generous slice paired with whipped cream or ice cream elevates the experience. Remember to store your Breton Butter Cake properly to savor its freshness for days to come. Whether you stick to the original recipe or explore innovative twists, these recipes are sure to bring joy to your kitchen and those who indulge in your creations.

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