Delicious Berliner Donut Recipes: How to Make Traditional German Filled Doughnuts

Craving a taste of Germany? Dive into the world of Berliner donuts, a delightful German treat that’s sure to satisfy your sweet tooth. These jam-filled delights are a classic favorite, boasting a soft, yeasted dough fried to golden perfection. Whether you prefer traditional raspberry or apricot fillings, or adventurous options like chocolate hazelnut spread or vanilla pudding, there’s a Berliner flavor for everyone.


Ingredients List

Dough Ingredients

  • 500 g all-purpose flour (plus more for shaping the Berliner)
  • 1 pouch active dry yeast (7 grams)
  • 250 ml lukewarm milk
  • 4 egg yolks (room temperature)
  • 80 g sugar
  • 60 g butter (room temperature)
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
  • ⅛ teaspoon salt
  • 250 g jam (traditional fillings include raspberry, apricot, chocolate hazelnut, and vanilla pudding)

Required Kitchen Tools

When preparing Berliner donuts, having the right kitchen tools can make the process smoother and more enjoyable. Here are the essential tools you will need:

  1. Hand or Stand Mixer: To efficiently mix and knead the dough, a hand mixer or stand mixer can save you time and effort.
  2. Kitchen Thermometer: Maintaining the right temperature, especially when proofing the dough, is crucial for a successful batch of Berliner donuts. A kitchen thermometer will ensure accuracy.
  3. Piping Bag: A piping bag equipped with a thin, long, about 7 mm round nozzle will help you fill the Berliner donuts with your favorite jam or filling easily and neatly.
  4. Baking Sheets: Prepare baking sheets lined with parchment paper to place the shaped Berliner donuts before frying.

Having these tools on hand will set you up for a successful Berliner donut-making experience.


Dough Preparation

Preparing the dough for Berliner donuts is a crucial step in achieving the perfect texture and flavor for these delightful treats. Follow the steps below to mix the ingredients and knead the dough properly.

Mixing the Ingredients

To start the dough preparation, mix the dry ingredients such as flour and yeast in a large mixing bowl. Add sugars, salt, rum, lemon zest, egg yolks, and melted butter to the mixture. Slowly combine these ingredients with the flour mixture, gradually adding milk until a soft and elastic dough forms. Using a dough hook or kneading by hand, work the dough until it reaches the desired consistency.

Kneading and Letting the Dough Rise

After mixing the ingredients, it’s time to knead the dough to develop its structure. If using a stand mixer, continue kneading with the dough hook at a medium speed for approximately 5 minutes. Cover the dough with a clean kitchen towel and let it rise in a warm place until doubled in size, which usually takes about 1 hour. Once the dough has doubled, deflate it by gently punching it down before proceeding with rolling, cutting, filling, and allowing it to rise again.

Shaping the Berliner Donuts

To shape the Berliner Donuts, follow these steps for that perfect round and filled donut:

  1. Divide and Roll Dough:
    After the dough has risen, gently punch it down and divide it into equal portions. Roll each portion into a smooth ball using your hands.
  2. Create Indentation:
    Using your thumb, create an indentation in each dough ball to make room for the filling. Ensure not to flatten the dough completely.
  3. Add Filling:
    Spoon your desired jam filling into the indentation of each dough ball. Be generous with the filling for that burst of flavor in every bite.
  4. Seal the Edges:
    Pinch the edges of the dough ball together, sealing the filling inside. Ensure a tight seal to prevent the filling from leaking during frying.
  5. Shape into Smooth Balls:
    Roll the filled dough balls between your palms to reshape them into smooth, round balls. This step ensures even frying and a uniform shape.

By following these steps, you will have perfectly shaped Berliner Donuts ready to be fried to a golden perfection.

Berliner Donuts

Frying the Donuts

Frying the Berliner donuts to crispy golden perfection is a crucial step in the recipe. Maintaining the right oil temperature and frying time ensures that the donuts come out fluffy on the inside and crisp on the outside.

Oil Temperature and Frying Time

To achieve the perfect Berliner donut, the oil temperature should be around 340°F. This ensures that the donuts cook evenly and develop a beautiful golden color. Fry the donuts for approximately 2-3 minutes per side, flipping them halfway through the cooking process. Use a slotted spoon to remove the donuts from the oil and place them on a wired cooling rack to allow excess oil to drip off. Repeat the frying process in batches of 2-3 donuts at a time to maintain a consistent oil temperature.

Adding the Filling

Techniques for Filling Berliner Donuts

To fill Berliner donuts efficiently, start by stirring the jam or filling of your choice to soften it. Then, use a piping bag fitted with a filling tip to inject the desired amount of jam into the cooled Berliner donuts. Insert the piping tip into the donut from the side, squeezing gently until the donut feels full and the filling slightly protrudes. Finally, dust the filled Berliner donuts with a generous amount of powdered sugar for an added touch of sweetness before serving them fresh on the same day.

Techniques for Filling Berliner Donuts

Serving and Decoration

Suggested Toppings and Coatings

When it comes to serving Berliner donuts, there are various delicious toppings and coatings that can elevate the flavor and presentation of these delightful treats. Some popular options include:

  • Powdered Sugar: A classic choice for dusting over freshly fried Berliner donuts, providing a sweet and delicate finish.
  • Vanilla Sugar: Adding a hint of vanilla flavor, vanilla sugar can be mixed with powdered sugar for a subtle twist on the traditional coating.
  • Chocolate Glaze: For those who love chocolate, a glossy chocolate glaze drizzled over the donuts enhances both the taste and appearance.
  • Sprinkles: Colorful sprinkles can be a fun and festive addition, perfect for adding a pop of color and texture to the donuts.
  • Crushed Nuts: Crushed nuts like almonds or hazelnuts can bring a delightful crunch to the donuts, complementing the soft texture of the dough.

Experimenting with different toppings and coatings allows you to customize your Berliner donuts to suit your taste preferences and create visually appealing treats for any occasion.

Serving the Berliner Donut

Storage Instructions

How to Keep Berliner Donuts Fresh

After preparing the delightful Berliner donuts, you can store them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 days. To maintain their freshness, avoid exposing them to direct sunlight or heat sources.

Freezing Berliner Donuts

If you want to keep your Berliner donuts for a longer period, you can freeze them. Place the donuts in a freezer-safe bag, removing excess air, and seal tightly. They can be stored in the freezer for up to 1 month. To enjoy again, simply thaw the donuts at room temperature or give them a quick reheat in the oven for a delicious treat.

Storage Berliner Donut


Mastering Berliner donut recipes opens up a world of delightful possibilities. From the classic fillings to creative toppings, these fluffy treats are a versatile canvas for culinary experimentation. By following the detailed instructions provided, you can easily recreate the authentic taste and texture of Berliner donuts in your own kitchen. Remember, the key lies in precision and creativity. Whether you choose to stick to tradition or add your own twist, the joy of making and enjoying these delectable pastries knows no bounds. With proper storage techniques, you can savor the freshness of Berliner donuts for days or even weeks to come. So, roll up your sleeves, grab your ingredients, and embark on a delicious journey into the world of Berliner donuts.

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