Delicious Banana Blueberry Muffins Recipe for Breakfast and Snack

Craving a delightful breakfast treat that combines the best of blueberry muffins and banana bread? Look no further than these irresistible Banana Blueberry Muffins. With just 10 minutes of prep time, these muffins are a perfect solution for using up those overripe bananas. The fusion of sweet bananas and juicy blueberries creates a flavor explosion that will leave you craving more.

As a seasoned food blogger, I’m excited to share one of my favorite go-to breakfast recipes with you – the BEST banana blueberry muffins. These dairy-free muffins are not only easy to bake but also make a convenient grab-and-go morning snack. Whether paired with a cup of coffee or enjoyed on its own, this recipe strikes the perfect balance between moist banana bread and bursting blueberry flavors. Plus, the one-bowl preparation makes these muffins a hassle-free delight for any baker.

Banana Blueberry Muffins Recipe


These healthy blueberry banana muffins require a few essential ingredients to create the perfect blend of flavors. You can also customize them with optional add-ins to suit your taste preferences.

Essential Ingredients

  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup canola oil
  • 1/2 cup sour cream (can substitute plain or vanilla Greek yogurt)
  • 1 cup mashed bananas
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup fresh or frozen blueberries (I used 2 cups)
  • Chocolate chips (1/2 to 1 cup)
  • Diced strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, or peaches (1 cup)
  • Chopped nuts, toasted coconut, or dried fruit
  • Coconut extract or almond extract
  • Streusel topping (1/2 cup all-purpose flour, 1/4 cup brown sugar, 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/4 cup melted butter)

Required Equipment

When preparing these delectable Jumbo Banana Blueberry Muffins, you won’t need any special equipment. This recipe is wonderfully straightforward and can be accomplished with just a few basic kitchen essentials. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Mixing Bowl: A medium to large-sized mixing bowl will be your primary vessel for combining all the ingredients.
  • Whisk: A whisk is essential for blending the wet and dry ingredients smoothly.
  • Wooden Spoon: You’ll use a wooden spoon to gently mix the batter without overworking it.
  • Muffin Pan: Make sure to have a standard 12-cup muffin pan to bake the muffins to perfection.
  • Muffin Liners: If you prefer using liners, have them handy to line the muffin pan cups.

With these simple items on hand, you’ll be all set to whip up these delightful muffins in no time.

Delicious Banana Blueberry Muffins


Preparing the ingredients and preheating the oven are crucial steps in ensuring perfect Banana Blueberry Muffins. Follow these subheadings for a seamless baking experience.

Pre-Measure Ingredients

Gathering and pre-measuring all the required ingredients is essential before jumping into the baking process. Having everything ready and at hand will make the muffin-making process smooth and efficient.

Preheat the Oven

Properly preheating the oven is key to achieving the perfect rise and texture for your muffins. Set the oven to the correct temperature before you start mixing the batter to ensure even baking and a delightful end result.


Let’s dive into the steps to create these delightful Banana Blueberry Muffins.

Mixing the Batter

  1. Begin by preheating your oven to 425°F and lining your muffin pan with liners.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the dry ingredients: 2 cups of all-purpose flour, 1 cup of almond flour, 3 ½ teaspoons of baking powder, and 1 teaspoon of fine sea salt.
  3. In a separate bowl, mash 3 medium bananas until they have small lumps.
  4. Mix the mashed bananas with the dry ingredients using a hand whisk until just combined.
  5. Gently fold in the wet ingredients, such as 1 egg, 1/3 cup of milk, 1/2 cup of canola oil, and 1/2 cup of sour cream.
  6. Avoid overmixing the batter; mix until the wet and dry ingredients are just combined.
  1. If using frozen blueberries, coat them with 1 teaspoon of flour to prevent discoloration.
  2. Fold in 1 ½ cups of blueberries into the batter gently until evenly distributed.
  3. If desired, sprinkle sliced almonds on top of the muffin batter for added crunch.
  4. Optionally, top the muffins with demerara or turbinado sugar before baking for a sweet finish.
Baking Banana Blueberry Muffins


When it comes to baking these scrumptious banana blueberry muffins, the process is key to achieving that perfect texture and flavor. From pouring the batter into the muffin liners to ensuring they are baked to perfection, each step contributes to the overall success of this delectable treat.

Pouring the Batter

Once the batter is perfectly mixed and infused with the sweet flavors of banana and blueberry, it’s time to pour it into the waiting muffin liners. Be sure to fill each liner about three-quarters full to allow room for that delightful rise in the oven. This step ensures that each muffin develops that coveted golden top while maintaining a moist and tender interior.

Checking for Doneness

To know when these banana blueberry muffins are ready to come out of the oven, a simple toothpick test is all you need. Insert a toothpick into the center of a muffin—if it comes out clean, with no batter clinging to it, your muffins are perfectly baked. This step ensures that the muffins are cooked through while retaining their moistness, ready to be enjoyed fresh out of the oven or stored for later indulgence.

Serving and Presentation

When it comes to serving and presenting these delectable banana blueberry muffins, there are endless opportunities to elevate the enjoyment of this delightful treat.

Serving Suggestions

Serve these banana blueberry muffins warm for a comforting and satisfying experience. Pair them with a cold glass of milk or a warm cup of coffee for a delightful breakfast or afternoon snack.

Decoration Ideas

For a visually appealing presentation, dust the muffins with a light sprinkle of powdered sugar before serving. You can also top each muffin with a fresh blueberry or a slice of banana to add a pop of color and freshness. Let your creativity shine by garnishing with a drizzle of honey or a dollop of whipped cream for an extra touch of decadence.

Serving Banana Blueberry Muffins

Storage Tips

Ensuring proper storage of your banana blueberry muffins is key to maintaining their freshness and deliciousness. Follow these simple tips to keep your muffins tasting great for longer:


If you plan to enjoy your banana blueberry muffins within a few days, storing them in the refrigerator is a good option. Place the muffins in an airtight container or zip-top bag to prevent them from drying out. Before serving, you can gently warm them in the microwave for a few seconds to restore their freshness.


For longer-term storage, freezing your banana blueberry muffins is a convenient choice. Wrap each muffin individually in plastic wrap or aluminum foil before placing them in a freezer-safe container or bag. Thaw the muffins overnight in the refrigerator or reheat them in the microwave for a quick and easy treat. Enjoy the deliciousness of your homemade muffins even weeks later by freezing them properly.

Storage Banana Blueberry Muffins


I’ve shared a scrumptious Banana Blueberry Muffins recipe that combines the best of blueberry muffins and banana bread into a dairy-free treat perfect for a quick bite. The mix of ripe bananas and plump blueberries bursts with flavor, making each bite a delightful experience. By following the suggested ingredients and optional add-ins, you can customize these muffins to suit your taste preferences. Remember to store them properly for lasting freshness – refrigerate in an airtight container for short-term enjoyment or freeze individually wrapped muffins for a longer-lasting treat. With these tips and tricks, you can savor the deliciousness of these muffins any time you crave a fruity and satisfying snack.

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